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Press “”!

A man with a “ ” in has been to two weeks in jail for a ’s in 2019 and ’s bag last year.

Lam Seng Yipfetish, 52, first an at 9 p.m. on Sept. 20, 2019, while an to an . The left the on his ,which he .

Lam had by the bike but half an hour later to grab the 140 ( $105)fetish, which had a name tag and a rank . After being and , he was .

This is not the first time Lam was for from law . In a in 2019, he was of items from and .

In June 2022 — three years after the — Lam busy ’s car. that the were down, Lam a bag, ran away with it and a car back to his home.

The bag items worth over 380 ( $286), a cap, a vest, a , , a ’s , a and some cards. Lam was the next day and the items were .

Lam to two of theft in with the in . a of eight weeks in jail, but a judge it to two weeks on .


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站 长 微 信: muyang-0410