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from Ms. Irina , – of , on the of the Day of Peace


for Peace: , and for All


21 2017

2017年9月 21日


This Day of Peace the power of for a and world.


This has never been so at a time of . New of have , and . is , while seeks to the minds of the and young. In the and least- parts of the world, – are , and the risk of .


The to peace are and steep – no one can solve them alone. Doing so new forms of and joint , as early as .


This is the of the call by the -, , for a new surge in to peace, and civil , along with and .


is the world – our goal must be to it on the basis of human , to shape it in to craft a that is more just, , and .


The of peace is a of and , and, in this , the role of the has never been so vital. The 2030 for that “there can be no peace and no peace .” The same the and the in 2016 on ‘ peace.’


We need a new , to root , the rule of law and , on the basis of and . This all of ’s to build peace , of , , for human and and .


On this Day of Peace, we must all renew our to . To peace, we must build it every day, in every , with every woman and man, by a for all.


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站 长 微 信: muyang-0410