华龙一号是由中核集团(中国核工业集团有限公司核电站原理,China National Nuclear Corporation)研发的我国具有完整自主知识产权的三代核电技术。
作为国家自主创新、集成创新和机制创新的成果,华龙一号,CNNC Hualong One (HPR 1000),是在我国几十年核电建设运营成熟经验基础上,汲取世界先进设计理念合作研发的三代核电自主创新成果,浓缩了中国核工业三十多年科研历程,反映了中国核工业的创新精神。
作为代表我国高端制造业走向世界的“国家名片”,华龙一号示范工程 — 位于福建的福清核电5号机组自开工建设起,便一直备受海内外关注。
Construction on the No 5 reactor at the Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant started on May 7, 2015, and is scheduled to complete in 2020. More than 5,300 Chinese enterprises and nearly 200,000 people have taken part in the plant’s initial research and construction. And because of it, China has reached a historic moment, mastering the construction, operation and maintenance of its own nuclear energy.
前不久,中国日报外籍记者Nathan Williams(衲森)就来到了位于福建省福州市的中核集团福清核电站,近距离地感受并了解了华龙一号这一国之重器。
Nuclear operators have a special name in Chinese “huang jin ren”, which means “golden men” in English. In the nuclear power industry, nuclear operators are called “golden men”, because their knowledge and expertise is so valuable that they are said to be worth their weight in gold.
衲森初次近距离接触核反应机组,难免有些紧张。于是他找到了一位“黄金人”—— 中核集团华龙一号示范工程高级操纵员汤宏斌做他的“老师”。
Nuclear power generates energy through a process called fission. In most power plants, fossil fuels are burned to heat water, which produces steam used to power an electrical generator. Nuclear fission is different, because it doesn’t burn anything to create steam. Fission is the process of splitting uranium atoms to produce energy. As a result, nuclear power plants do not release carbon or pollutants like nitrogen or sulfur oxides into the air.
汤宏斌还告诉衲森, 作为中国自主三代核电机组,福清核电站的5号和6号核反应堆的燃料组件增加了20个,这不仅提高了发电功率,更提高了核电站的整体安全性。
The CNNC Hualong One (HPR 1000) is equipped with a raft of safety measures. If the external power supply fails, the diesel engine will be activated to ensure the running of safety systems. If the diesel engine is not functioning either, a failsafe will be initiated which uses the force of gravity.
The great thing about third-generation nuclear power technology like the CNNC Hualong One (HPR 1000) is that if the active system fails, due to electricity outage, a back-up system will take over that does not require electricity. This is called a “passive system”.
Imagine that a passive safety system is a person riding a bicycle, and their legs are fueled by electricity to move the bike forward. Now the person starts riding downhill, gravity takes over, and the legs are not needed. In essence, that’s how a passive safety system works.
I am looking forward to a world where clean and reliable energy is the norm, and the CNNC Hualong One (HPR 1000) brings us all a step closer to that.
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