此次研讨会由袁勇教授、Herbert Mang教授、Bernhard Pichler教授、张姣龙博士共同发起,于9月16日下午14:00盛大开幕土木工程在线,诚邀各位专家指导。会议免收注册费土木工程在线,会议链接如下:

ID: 83673980224, Password: 123456


International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research in

Civil Engineering Sciences

This symposium will take place on September 16-17, 2021, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Austria as well as the 40th anniversary of the collaboration of Prof。 Herbert A。 Mang, TU Wien, Austria, with research institutions from China, in general, and with the Department of Geotechnical Engineering of Tongji University, in particular。 The long-standing cooperation between TU Wien and Tongji University refers to Civil Engineering Sciences and includes interdisciplinary research based on experimental and theoretical methods taken from mechanics, physics, mathematics, biology, mechanical engineering, computer science, geomatics engineering, environmental engineering, etc。

The symposium is aimed at further fostering the research collaboration between China, Austria, Germany, and Sweden, and at bringing together researchers in order to discuss recent trends, promising advances, and challenges encountered in the field of interdisciplinary research in Civil Engineering Science。


Multiscale modeling

Multi-field analysis

Tests and analysis of complex structures

Data-driven analysis


September 16, 2021, 14:00~19:00(Shanghai time), 08:00~13:00 (Vienna time)

September 17, 2021, 14:00~17:45 (Shanghai time), 08:00~11:45 (Vienna time)


zoom meeting

ID: 83673980224, Password: 123456



Tongji University (TJU)

Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)

Austrian-China Research Center on Tunnel and Underground Engineering (ACTUE)

Central European Association for Computational Mechanics (CEACM)

Advisory Committee

•Yunmin Chen, Zhejiang University

•Junzhi Cui, Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences

•Josef Eberhardsteiner, TU Wien

•Christian Hellmich, TU Wien

•Wenhao Liang, Chinese Academy of Engineering

•Günther Meschke, Ruhr University Bochum

•Herbert Mang, TU Wien

•Jianguo Nie, Tsinghua University

•Jinping Ou, Harbin Institute of Technology

•Luc Taerwe, Ghent University

西南石油大学建筑环境与设备工程专业和土木专业比较_河北工程大学 土木工程学院_土木工程在线

•Yeong-Bin Yang, Chongqing University

•Xuhong Zhou, Chongqing University

Organization Committee

•Prof. Yong Yuan, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University (TJU)

•Prof. Bernhard Pichler, Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures (TU Wien)

•Dr. Jiaolong Zhang, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University (TJU)


Mag.Martina Pöll, TU Wien

Email: Martina.Poell@tuwien.ac.at, Tel: +43 1 58801-20211

Dr. Jiaolong Zhang, Tongji University

Email: Jiaolong_Zhang@tongji.edu.cn, Tel: +86 13614810318


September 16, 2021

14:00~19:00 (Shanghai time), 08:00~13:00 (Vienna time)

Opening ceremony

Chairman: Ying Zhou

14:00 ~ 14:05

08:00 ~ 08:05

Prof. Peiming Lv, Executive Vice President of Tongji University

Welcome address

14:05 ~ 14:10

08:05 ~ 08:10

Prof. Josef Eberhardsteiner, Vice Rector of TU Wien

Welcome address

14:10 ~ 14:15

08:10 ~ 08:15

Mr. Fengyun Lei, Counselor for scientific and technological affairs, ChineseEmbassy in Austria

Welcome address

14:15 ~ 14:20

08:15 ~ 08:20

Mag.aAlexandra Wagner, Head of the OeAD Cooperation Office Shanghai, Vice Consul for Education and Science of the Austrian Consulate General Shanghai

Mr. Helmut Rakowitsch, Consul General of the Austrian Consulate General Shanghai

Welcome address

土木工程在线_西南石油大学建筑环境与设备工程专业和土木专业比较_河北工程大学 土木工程学院

14:20 ~ 14:25

08:20 ~ 08:25

Prof. Wolf-Dieter Rausch,President of Eurasia Pacific Uninet

Welcome address

14:25 ~ 14:30

08:25 ~ 08:30

Prof. Herbert A. Mang, TU Wien & Tongji University

Welcome address

Opening Session I

Chairman: Yong Yuan

14:30 ~ 15:00

08:30 ~ 09:00

Prof. Junzhi Cui, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The atomic-continuum coupled model and algorithms for elastic-plasticity decomposition based on MD simulation

15:00 ~ 15:30

09:00 ~ 09:30

Prof. Christian Hellmich, TU Wien

Upscaling from electrons to membranes: quantification of the anisotropic elasticity of graphene

15:30 ~ 16:00

09:30 ~ 10:00

Prof. Yeong-Bin Yang, Chongqing University

Vehicle-bridge interaction and applications to railway and highway bridges

16:00 ~ 16:05

10:00 ~ 10:05


Opening Session II

Chairman: Bernhard Pichler

16:05 ~ 16:35

10:05 ~ 10:35

Prof. Günther Meschke, Ruhr University Bochum

Computational models for the digital design and construction of machine-driven tunnels – selected results from the Collaborative Research Center “Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling”

16:35 ~ 17:05

10:35 ~ 11:05

Prof. Yong Yuan, Tongji University

Aspects of tunneling under extreme conditions

17:05 ~ 17:35

11:05 ~ 11:35

Prof. Robert Galler, Montanuniversität Leoben

ETU-ZaB – Development of education and training-standards for rescue operations in underground structures

17:35 ~ 17:40

11:35 ~ 11:40


Thematic Session I: Multiscale modeling

Chairman: Herbert A. Mang

17:40 ~ 17:55

11:40 ~ 11:55

Prof. Bernhard Pichler, TU Wien

Structural mechanics of reinforced concrete hinges: from laboratory testing to design recommendations

17:55 ~ 18:10

11:55 ~ 12:10

Associate Prof. StefanScheiner, TUWien

Continuum micromechanical up- and downscaling relations for studying transport processes in porous media

18:10 ~ 18:25

12:10 ~ 12:25

Dr. Jiaolong Zhang, Tongji University

Multiscale structural analysis of segmental tunnel rings based on monitoring data

18:25 ~ 18:40

12:25 ~ 12:40

Dr. Dr. Hui Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Multiscale response of thermally loaded concrete pavements

18:40 ~ 19:00

12:40 ~ 13:00

Joint discussions regarding all lectures in Session I: Multiscale modeling


September 17, 2021

14:00~17:45 (Shanghai time), 08:00~11:45 (Vienna time)

河北工程大学 土木工程学院_土木工程在线_西南石油大学建筑环境与设备工程专业和土木专业比较

Thematic Session II: Multi-field analysis

Chairman: Yiming Zhang

14:00 ~ 14:15

08:00 ~ 08:15

Prof. Josef Füssl, TU Wien

A multiscale model for fired clay brick masonry: upscaling of experimentally identified microstructural features to macroscopic elastic stiffness and thermal conductivity

14:15 ~ 14:30

08:15 ~ 08:30

Prof. Jingpeng Hou, North East Electric Power University

Experimental study on properties of iron ore concrete mixed with boron carbide after sub-high temperature

14:30 ~ 14:45

08:30 ~ 08:45

Associate Prof. Limin Lu, China University of Mining & Technology

Experimental study on the fire behavior of RC frame beams

14:45 ~ 15:00

08:45 ~ 09:00

Joint discussions regarding all lectures in Session II: Multi-field analysis

15:00 ~ 15:05

09:00 ~ 09:05


Thematic Session III: Test and analysis of complex structures

Chairman: Josef Füssl

15:05 ~ 15:20

09:05 ~ 09:20

Associate Prof. Xu Zhao, Beijing University of Technology

Dynamic response of mountain tunnels with aseismic mitigation measures

15:20 ~ 15:35

09:20 ~ 09:35

Dr. Zhiming Zhang, Guizhou University

Experiments of a box-frame subway station under harmonic excitation

15:35 ~ 15:50

09:35 ~ 09:50

Dr. Mingjing Li, Beihang University

河北工程大学 土木工程学院_土木工程在线_西南石油大学建筑环境与设备工程专业和土木专业比较

Fragile points method for fracture analysis of complex structures

15:50 ~ 16:05

09:50 ~ 10:05

Dr. Dr.Eva Binder, Linnæus University

Time-dependent behavior of hybrid structures: an interdisciplinary modeling approach for concrete and timber

16:05 ~ 16:25

10:05 ~ 10:25

Joint discussions regarding all lectures in Session III: Test and analysis of complex structures

16:25 ~ 16:30

10:25 ~ 10:30


Thematic Session IV: Data driven analysis

Chairman:Jiaolong Zhang

16:30 ~ 16:45

10:30 ~ 10:45

Prof. Yiming Zhang, Hebei University of Technology

Fast assessing the pore pressure built-up and temperature evolution in heated concrete by an image-driven artificial neural network

16:45 ~ 17:00

10:45 ~ 11:00

Associate Prof. Xiaofei Guan Tongji University

Wavelet driven probabilistic machine learning for stochastic high-dimensional multiscale model

17:00 ~ 17:15

11:00 ~ 11:15

Dr. Fengdi Guo, MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Assessing the influence of overweight vehicles on pavement performance and life-cycle cost for pavement networks

17:15 ~ 17:30

11:15 ~ 11:30

Joint discussions regarding all lectures in Session IV: Data driven analysis

17:30 ~ 17:45

11:30 ~ 11:45

Closing ceremony

Prof. Herbert A. Mang

Prof. Yong Yuan

